The Magic of Sea Glass
- THE MAGIC OF SEA GLASS -Charged by the sun . Cleansed by the sea . Renewed by the tides.You know the saying “you are a product of your environment” ? Well this couldn’t be more true for sea glass. Sea glass completely embodies all the properties of the ocean and the seaside in every possible way. The allure of these hybrid man and nature made gems is as captivating as the ocean itself. Walking along the beach my eyes are fixed on the sand, looking, hoping, and praying to find a colorful piece
31st Aug 2017
Some of the Most Expensive Pieces of Jewelry in the World
Jewelry is a favorite topic for many people, and it's especially exciting to learn just how expensive some pieces can be. Whether you're a jewelry lover or you're just curious, you'll definitely find something interesting in this list of the world's most expensive pieces of jewelry!The Cullinan Diamond This one of a kind blue diamond ring stunned countless people when it went to auction in 2009. In fact, it was so well-loved by people at the auction that it managed to sell for an impressive $9.6
28th Aug 2017
Start Your Sea Glass Collection Today
If you are lucky enough to be visiting a beach this summer or live nearby (lucky you!), you should consider adding sea glass collecting to your beach-time itinerary. Sea glass, also known as mermaid tears, are beautiful, unique, and highly sought after. Artisans love to use the pieces for beach glass jewelry and enhancing other crafts they have. Imagine owning your very own authentic sea glass ring. Just like a snowflake, no one piece of sea glass is identical to another. In fact, types of beach
14th Aug 2017