
Some of the Most Popular Types of Sea Glass Charms Sold Today

Over the last 10 years or so, sea glass collecting has become more and more popular. So much so that people have started buying sea glass jewelry just like they would regular jewelry pieces.

But like all types of jewelry, some types of sea glass charms are more popular than others. Here's a short list of some of the most popular types of sea glass charms that people are buying today.


Sea glass earrings can come in a variety of shapes and sizes, just like sea glass itself. Whether you prefer earrings that dangle or simple studs, there's a pair of beautiful sea glass earrings out there for you. These are great because they don't have to make a huge statement but can still add an element of whimsy to any look.


Sea glass pendants are often placed at the end of long chains and come shaped like teardrops or ovals. But be careful here: genuine sea glass doesn't typically come in such shapes, so you may be handling artificially tumbled glass in one of these. If authenticity matters to you, then this is something you'll want to keep in mind.


Rings, like earrings, are an excellent way to add just a touch of jewelry to your everyday look. Rings differ from most other pieces of jewelry because the sea glass can simply be set as-is, without much shaping. It doesn't matter whether you're looking for a cocktail ring or a simple piece to add some flair to your hands, sea glass rings come in almost every shape and size you can imagine.

Buying jewelry can sometimes be a difficult process, but if you're into sea glass and you know what you're looking for, buying any one of these popular pieces can be a cinch. And there are many more types of sea glass charms out there if you're interested in them. Don't let traditional jewelry standards keep you from trying something new and adding a beautiful piece of sea glass jewelry to your growing collection.

14th Mar 2017 Lita Sea Glass Jewelry